Question / answer
"I have to make decisions based on real data!"

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Hello, can you introduce yourself and tell us about your situation?

Hello. My name is Jocelyne. I am the mayor of a town of 35,700 inhabitants. We are planning to build a university and a large shopping center. My team and I want to study this file in depth, but for that we need to rely on different data. Currently, we do not have the possibility of correctly analyzing the information, in particular that coming from the various services of the town hall.

Hello Madame La Maire. First of all, it is necessary to identify the sources of information you need, their origins and their formats. Then, with analysis tools, it will be possible to establish statistical modeling in order to respond to your problem. This means that you will be able to analyze all the available data and formulate a synthesis to help you make decisions.

I find that very interesting. However, the mass of information is considerable, how can we find our way around and put a solution in place?

Indeed today, you have at your disposal a very large amount of data called Big Data, whether financial, demographic, related to health, road traffic, weather, etc. To this is added the internal data of the services of your community. Without going into technical considerations, know that there are internal or external data recovery, processing and reporting tools that are fully configurable for your needs. These tools can operate in real time or in deferred mode. All this data will come together and show you a status at a time T.

I have to make decisions based on real data and your solution is exactly what my team needs. With a comprehensive and precise knowledge of the situation of the municipality and its environment, we will be able to listen more and respond exactly to the needs of citizens.